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200 – ¥ (ܻ) ƸƼ/ ϸ е ƸƼ ȴ

bestkorea(ȸ)      ٸ 纸  

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  (English version is below.)
   40 (1983~2024) « , «  賶 Ҵ. ̰ ְ ġ ִ λ ڿ. ̸ ƴϴ. 迩 ܱε λ縦 ̹ ̴. 翬 ģа ޻Ͽ ȭ ε巯.
   ϰ ƸƼ̴. Ÿ . 谡 ̷ κ 밡 ־. ׷ 츮 ſ ô ()ߴ. 迡 ¾ ڶ, 谡 ηϴ α(ݣ) ִ. ״ ݴ뿴. ״ ڳ ƸƼ ¾ ڶ. Żƿ Ϸ ε 3D ġ ʰ ޷ 󿴴. ״ ׶ Ӱ dzο ô븦 ʰ ־.
   ū . ״ ̶ (ܻ) ΰ ִ ƸƼ ִ. 9° ε(Ʈ) ߰ 10° ̴. IMF 22ʳ ޾Ҵ. ä Ը GDP 70% Ѿ. 40% ̻ ϴ ̴. ֱ · 100% Ѿ 120% Ѿ. () ġ ޶ߴ. 2022 3 ̳ʽ ̾.
  ״ ǥ ̾. ѹ ¥(ǽ) ߵ ƸƼ () ǵ, ϵ δٴ . ȸǸ ϴ ӵǴ ߴ. ִ ܴ. Ⱓ ӵ ¥ ̸ н ȿ ߴ. Ÿ £ () ̴. ̰ ó ƸƼ ּҶ ߴ.
   ̾߱⸦ ߴ. ƸƼ ̸߳ 1997, 2003, 2019 6 ߴ. 22 ó ƸƼ ֱٿ ƸƼ ޶ . ̳ ׸ ο ε帮 뵵 ϰ, ݹ(ڸ) ȣ ϰ, ΰ⵵ ɽ ̰, Ư ħ , ٴڿ Ȱϴ ڵ ѵ ƴϾ. ϰ Ǵ ⿴.
  ״ ƸƼ ʹƵ . ο뽺̷  ܰ(Ω) ̾߱⵵ ߴ. 5ð Ÿ ãư ϳ ü Թٶ λ縮. װ ׸ Թٶ () ־ Ŀ ° ڵ־. ׶(1997) ص Թٶ 簨 Ҽ ȸ ڵ鿡 ߴ.
  ư ״ Թٶ ⸦ ڸ 谨 巯´. ߴ. ó ƸƼ ġ() Ұ ¥ ͵, С ׸ϴ ͵ ˰ ü Թٶ  ȸ Ѵٴ . ߴ. ǹ , տ Ÿ ʻȭ ä ־. 쿬 ĥ ఴ ģ Բ ó 2ð¥ ʼ ̴.  ü. ⿬ ⵿ ũ ƸƼ ߰ δ ڼ (祕) Ҹ â ߴٴ ̴. ̾.
  װ ߴ. ѱε ƶ. ġ ǰ ʾҰ, ó 谡 ηϴ ѹα ź ̶. ƸƼ ִ ѱε ڱ ϴ ѱε̶ ߴ. ״ ױ ƽþ ѹ ϰ ;ܴ. ణ ؼ ҿ ̷ ִٰ ߴ.
  ׷. Դ , ƴ ̴. ״ ̷ ϴ ǥ̾. ׳ ƸƼ ϰų ȭ ƴٴ ̴. 3õ ̻ 迩 ѱε, ѱ . ׷ 翬 ġ(ݭ)Ѵ. Ѵ. ϸ е ƸƼ ȴٰ. ׷ ǰϴ ̴ ȴ. ׵ 忡 Ƿ. Seeing is Believing!!!
  (*2022 , UN, IMF, WB ϸ δ μҵ 7000 () 140 Ѵ´. 迡 ϸ, ̵ ϴ ȣ YH GH ڸ . ᱹ, ƾ 50~60̴. װ͵ Ӱ ִ Ұϴ. ⿡ Եȴ. ƴ .)
  People met on my backpacking 200 - Argentina and Populist Politics
  I've been traveling throughout the world for the past 40 years (1983-2024) and have visited several nations. It was my most pleasurable, satisfying, and beneficial life investment. There were several advantages to visiting almost half of the world's countries. Foreigners I encountered when traveling throughout the world were from nations I've visited before. As a result, our connection grew, and the talk flowed naturally.
  I met an Argentine today. We met in a park near to the Pattaya Hotel. He was my age, so we had a lot of common ground, including concerns about the country's future. However, the backgrounds of our history and present times were not the same. I was born and raised in one of the world's poorest countries, yet today I live in one of the world's wealthiest nations. He was born and grew in Argentina, a wealthy country that was more prosperous than Germany and France in Europe. He did not forget the free and affluent times.
  That was his biggest reason for his concern. Currently, he lives in Argentina, which suffers from an incurable disease called poverty. The country is about to declare its 10th default. It has also received 22 bailouts from the IMF. Its foreign debt accounts for more than 70 percent of its GDP. More than 40 percent of its people are in the absolute poor who live on government subsidies. Recently, the inflation rate has exceeded 100 percent and 120 percent. The value of the money (peso) has plummeted day after day. The economic growth rate was negative for three consecutive years until 2022.
  He proceeded with a sorrowful expression. The problem was that Argentines, once addicted to free bottles (populists), continued to demand money from their government, regardless of the national economy. He claimed that it was why his country's socialist government, which has been pursuing socialism, remains in power. He stated he had given up hope. He claimed it was the outcome of decades-long populism. He stated that he only felt strong nostalgia for Evita in his homeland.
  It was my turn to talk. I spent six months traveling around Central and S. America, including Argentina, in 1997, 2003, and 2019. The first Argentina I saw 22 years ago and the last Argentina I saw were identical. Protesters were still obstructing traffic and pounding on pots at banks, government offices, and on the streets. The posters included anti-American rhetoric and N. Korean flags. When I explored the city center early in the morning, I saw a lot of homeless guys sleeping on the floor in front of buildings including parks, banks, and retail centers.
  He listened intently to my account of my time in Argentina. Of course, I discussed the suburbs of Buenos Aires. Rosario, Che Guevara's hometown, was one of the five-hour train rides I took. At the time, a bust of Guevara was in a little park there, and it was filthy and poorly maintained. Guevara was only popular within a tiny group of Western socialists at the time (1997).
  Anyway, he despised Guevara. When asked why, he said simply. He said it was Che who had devastated Argentina today. I agreed with him. Evita pictures covered the walls of the Buenos Aires buildings as well as the demonstrators' picket lines. By chance, I with a Cjhilean guy happened to see a two-hour dinner performance serving beef steak and wine at a prominent downtown restaurant. The scene was incredible. The entire cast sang "Don't Cry for Me Argentina," with all of the locals singing solemnly. It was so strange for me.
  He added, "Koreans are lucky." Korea had an excellent political leader. Instead of horrific communism, Korea had a prosperous Republic of Korea, which the rest of the world envies today. He said that even many Koreans residing in Argentina are rich. He stated that one of his final dreams was to travel to an Asian nation. He stated that he is currently realizing his desire.
  Yes, it is. Someone's travel across the world is something they've never done before, or ever imagined. He was realizing his one desire. It meant that the country has not yet fully crumbled or become communized. Every year, more than 30 million Koreans enjoy unlimited global travel. However, the Koreans take it for granted. It's often said that Korea will be like Argentina. However, just a few people understand this word. Because Koreans have never witnessed the terrible conditions in Argentina firsthand. People only believe what they've witnessed.
  (*According to the UN, the IMF, and the WB, more than 140 nations (undeveloped countries) have a per capita income of less than $7,000. In my knowledge, I've never seen a tourist from these nations stay in both YH or GH and motels. After all, only approximately 30 nations allow citizens to freely travel across the world. This includes the Republic of Korea. It cannot help but be a miracle. The issue is that miracles don't endure long.)
  Thanks for reading.
[ 2024-04-23, 21:00 ] ƮƮ  ̽̽      ̹̹
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  Ÿ   2024-04-26 6:23
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