¡°Day of Infamy¡±
The Constitutional Court lost its status as an independent court of law as stipulated by the Constitution and ended up serving as a proxy for left-wing lawmakers of the National Assembly.

Kim Pyung-woo     ÇÊÀÚÀÇ ´Ù¸¥ ±â»çº¸±â 

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Kwon Seong-Dong, chairman of the judiciary committee at the National Assembly, submitted a revised impeachment motion on Feb. 1, 2017 based on new legal guidelines set by Constitutional Court justice Kang Il-won. The revised impeachment motion narrowed down the rationale for impeachment from 13 to just five. As a result, the Constitutional ruling upholding the impeachment was based on the revised motion. The move clearly violates Clause 2, Article 65 of the Constitution which stipulates that an impeachment motion must be ratified by at least two thirds of the members of the National Assembly.

by Kim Pyung-woo (former head of Korean Bar Association)

My fellow Koreans, who share our respect for the law,
1. We did not suffer a humiliating loss on March 10. Rather, it is the Constitutional Court that suffered a huge loss. It must have been a day filled with tension, surprise and pain for you all. I certainly spent the day agonizing over my inability to protect President Park Geun-hye within the boundaries of the law.
But watching the sun rising again this morning helped me regain my confidence. Does the sun refuse to rise citing pain or sadness? We must take a cue from the sun and maintain hope. We must shake off our sense of shock and loss and stand up again. And we must march again as we promised ourselves during our March 1 rally.
Fellow citizens, our president, who was elected in 2012 through a fair and democratic voting process to become our country¡¯s first-ever female head of state and maintained a track record free of corruption, may have been unduly stripped of her official title. But she ended up becoming a patriotic martyr of our cherished legal system. Let us hit the streets to push ahead with our patriotic struggle until the day that our cherished leader regains her presidency, until the day that the statues honoring our first president and visionary, Syngman Rhee, and former president Park Chung-hee, who led us out of poverty and guided us to prosperity, can stand tall and be honored.
2. The Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling is based on an impeachment motion that justice Kang Il-won arbitrarily proposed. The ruling was made by Kang based on a motion he proposed himself. The National Assembly¡¯s impeachment bill ratified on Dec. 9, 2016 contained 13 different reasons for seeking impeachment. Yet Kang unilaterally narrowed the reasons down to five during the preparatory hearing phase of the impeachment trial and announced that a ruling would be made based on those points.
Kwon Seong-Dong, chairman of the judiciary committee at the National Assembly, submitted a revised impeachment motion on Feb. 1, 2017 based on new legal guidelines set by Constitutional Court justice Kang Il-won. The revised impeachment motion narrowed down the rationale for impeachment from 13 to just five. As a result, the Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling upholding the impeachment was based on the revised motion. The move clearly violates Clause 2, Article 65 of the Constitution which stipulates that an impeachment motion must be ratified by at least two thirds of the members of the National Assembly. The defendant protested the move citing the fact that no revisions could be made to the impeachment bill without the consent of at least two thirds of the members of the National Assembly. But Kang ignored such pleas claiming that the Constitutional Court¡¯s proceedings follow different rules than criminal trials. If so, Kang violated Article 65 of our Constitution and is also guilty of arrogance by being the first-ever justice in the world to propose an impeachment bill and pass a ruling on it.
3. There was no explanation given regarding the constitutional violation committed by the National Assembly, which voted on the impeachment itself rather than on each of the rationale for impeachment and the Constitutional Court simply claimed that lawmakers had the freedom to do so. If the Constitutional Court upheld the impeachment bill claiming there were no clear substantive regulations, doesn¡¯t this mean that the National Assembly¡¯s rules carry higher importance than the due process of the Constitutional Court? If so, what is the purpose of the Constitutional Court?
4. The Constitutional Court¡¯s response to the impeachment trial being presided over by eight rather than nine judges is hard to believe. Article 23 of the laws governing the Constitutional Court stipulates that the court can hold a trial if at least seven of the nine justices are present. The court claims that this also gives the court the green light to reach a verdict with just eight justices. But Article 111 of the Constitution stipulates that cases involving the Constitution must be tried by nine Constitutional Court justices and not seven. Rather, Article 22 of the laws governing the Constitutional Court clearly stipulates that all nine justices must preside over a trial. There is no regulation in the laws governing the Constitutional Court authorizing seven justices to preside over a trial.
I find it shocking that the Constitutional Court¡¯s judges are oblivious of the fact that the Constitution stands above the law and that the law cannot overrule the Constitution. It is also shocking that Constitutional Court judges do not know the difference between a ¡°hearing¡± and ¡°judgment.¡° In that case, was the 2014 ruling by judges Park Han-chul, Lee Jung-mi, Lee Jin-sung and Kim Yi-su, who decided that a trial presided over by eight justices is against the Constitution, an error? How can these people who change their views so whimsically call themselves judges?
5. In particular, the judges violated the basic principle of modern law that stipulates ¡°no punishment without intention¡± and failed to present the facts and supporting evidence. As seen in the National Assembly¡¯s impeachment bill, the Constitutional Court arrived at its decision to oust the president without explaining that the president intentionally allowed Choi to meddle in state affairs or abused her power to aid her intentionally and with criminal intent.
6. The Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling is a joint effort by the National Assembly and the court to remove our democratically-elected president from office. According to the ruling, the court did not find the president guilty of the charges dereliction of duty and accepting bribes made by the National Assembly in its impeachment bill. But the court found the president guilty of abuse of authority and allowing her longtime confidante Choi Soon-sil to meddle in state affairs and violating the Constitution.
The Constitutional Court ruled that the president was not guilty of all of the serious offenses cited by the National Assembly, while accusing her of violating offenses that the National Assembly considered minor. This is simply ludicrous. The judges did not choose the most important reasons cited by lawmakers in impeaching the president, but cited minor reasons listed on the bottom of the list of rationale for impeachment. This means the Constitutional Court rather than the National Assembly impeached the president.
A renowned former Constitutional Court justice submitted his written opinion due to fears that the court might do something so ridiculous. He pointed out that the National Assembly submitted 13 rationales for impeaching the president. As a result, the impeachment bill must be rejected if even one of the 13 rationales are not recognized by the Constitutional Court to be offenses. This is the logical thing to do and the Constitutional Court should have followed this path.
A straight-ticket vote was chosen based upon the view that all 13 rationales for impeachment were justified, yet the Constitutional Court whimsically reclassified these rationales and whittled them down to five and impeached the president based on the last one, which was the least serious allegation. As a result, the president was not impeached by the National Assembly, but by the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court is no longer an independent court of law, but a branch office of the National Assembly¡¯s judiciary committee.
7. There are no regulations requiring the National Assembly to present evidence for its impeachment rationale and the Constitutional Court claimed that lawmakers were free to omit the presentation of evidence backing their impeachment claims. Fellow citizens, our criminal laws do not prohibit a prosecutor from indicting a suspect without evidence. But does that give prosecutors the freedom to indict someone without evidence?
Article 12 of our Constitution guarantees due process so it is unconstitutional for prosecutors to indict individuals without an investigation or evidence. And if such an act was committed willingly, it would constitute abuse of power, which is a criminal offense. The National Assembly is bound by the same law. Article 12 of our Constitution clearly states that a presidential impeachment must be backed by evidence.
Constitutional Court judges, who should be experts of the Constitution, found it completely legitimate to impeach a president without evidence, simply because the Constitution does not clearly require them to do so. How can they call themselves protectors of the Constitution?
8.No effort has been made to judge the lies disseminated by Koh Young-tae and his associates. President Park Geun-hye has been found guilty not because of her own acts, but simply by association with Choi Soon-sil¡¯s illicit acts and corruption.
But a criminal trial is still under way to determine whether Choi has committed any criminal offenses. The truth is being revealed that Koh and his associates spread malicious lies and half truths and even tampered with evidence in order to gain personal profits and this is becoming increasingly evident. Yet the Constitutional Court assumed that Choi is guilty of corruption and chose to use that rationale to oust the president.
The independent counsel is no different. The methods used by the independent counsel clearly violated basic human rights, but the evidence collected through such methods were not thrown out of court. This is a clear violation of the law.
9. There was no mention by the Constitutional Court justices of my claim that it is unconstitutional to use a hodgepodge of unsubstantiated charges that were not backed by any evidence in the impeachment trial. There was also no mention of my claim that violations of the Constitution differ from violations of the law and must entail a clear and willful denial of the principles of the Constitution and that individual legal infractions do not constitute a violation of the principles of the Constitution.
10. Interpreting alleged offenses that were not investigated by prosecutors or by the independent counsel as violations of the Constitution clearly go against a defendant¡¯s privilege against self-incrimination (right of suspects to be protected from being forced to make comments that could be used against them). As a result, the Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling is completely unconstitutional.
11. But what saddens me the most is the fact that all eight Constitutional Court justices upheld the impeachment motion. Is there not a single judge who knows what our Constitution says? What standards did the National Assembly use in appointing and ratifying them? What kind of nation is this?
Is there no part of our nation that has not been tainted? I cannot hide the shame I feel when reading the 89-page ruling by the Constitutional Court. The shallow level of legal expertise of people who are considered as the elite among our judges has become evident.
12. The Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling was more rushed than the National Assembly¡¯s impeachment bill. There are so many errors in the court¡¯s ruling than the ones I pointed out above that it will take me literally days to explain them one by one. It is more difficult to find areas in the Constitutional Court¡¯s ruling that are not violations of our Constitution and laws. I will describe in detail the errors of the court¡¯s ruling in the future when I have more time.

I can clearly state that March 10, 2017 is a day of infamy when the Constitutional Court, which is the ultimate protector of our Constitution, voluntarily destroyed the Constitution.
13. March 10, 2017 was the day when the rule of law crumbled down completely in our country. As you all know, the news media in this country stopped serving their role as objective witnesses to history since October of 2016 and became vigilantes and judges of a kangaroo court. And pressured by candle-light protesters, the National Assembly lost its status by ratifying an impeachment bill on December 9, 2016 that was filled with a hodgepodge of unsubstantiated charges that were not backed by any evidence following a proper investigation.
Moreover, independent counsel Park Young-soo presided over a 90-day reign of terror starting on February 1, 2017 gripping the entire nation in fear, clearly demonstrating how state prosecutors failed in their duty to protect the citizens of our nation. And now the Constitutional Court trashed the duty of the judiciary through its 89-page ruling.
The rule of law has now come to an end in this country. We will soon see the Red Guard marching through our streets trampling on human rights and indicting people left and right. And as intended by those who ratified the impeachment bill on December 9, 2016, we will see presidential elections being held earlier than scheduled leading to a rushed vote to elect our next leader. What will emerge will be the first completely left-wing government. We must all unite and prevent traitors from taking control of government.
14. Law-abiding fellow patriots, do not lose courage no matter what happens. They did not end up dominating our news media, National Assembly, prosecution, judiciary and labor unions overnight. They have been slowly tainting our children, youngsters and leaders one by one with their notion of democracy and nationalism — a.k.a. juche ideology of North Korea¡¯s nation founder Kim Il-sung -- since we began implementing our Constitution in 1987.
And the culmination of such efforts was the unanimous decision by eight Constitutional Court justices to oust President Park Geun-hye. As a result, we will not be able to drive them out and establish a new media, National Assembly, prosecution, judiciary and labor unions overnight. We must endure a long journey in order to win the hearts and minds of the dormant public, silent leadership class and affluent members of our society who remain complacent and make them realize what true patriotism, democracy and the law are. Until then, we must remain united. Just as Syngman Rhee, the first president of the Republic of Korea said, ¡°United We Live, Scatter We Die!¡±
15. For whom does the bell toll? The bell that tolled in our country signaled the end of the democratic rule of law. At the same time, the bell signals the time for us to courageously rise up and embark on a struggle to pass the verdict on haughty judges, prosecutors, lawmakers and journalists who have been treating us, the owners of this nation, like second-class citizens. Law-abiding and patriot brothers and sisters, let us join hands!
¡°United We Live, Scatter We Die!¡±
Long live the Republic of Korea!

2017. 3. 11.
Kim Pyung-woo, Attorney at Law (author of ¡°Impeaching the Impeachment¡± published by Chogabje.com)


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