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  [±¹Á¦¾Ú³×½ºÆ¼]The North Korean fishermen were denied their right to a fair trial, and the decision to send them back to North Korea was in violation of ¡®the principle of non-refoulement¡¯, which dictates that no one should be returned to a country where they would face cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment.
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  [±¹Á¦¾Ú³×½ºÆ¼]A guarantee of non-reoccurrence should be ensured by the South Korean government.
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  [ºÎ½Ã¼¾ÅÍ]Refoulement is a violation of international law. The forcible repatriation was immoral, inhumane, and unlawful. At the same time, we want to acknowledge that killing (if it occurred as reported) is also unacceptable, and one should face the consequences within a fair and due process. The new revelation supports evidence of the Moon government's denial of the fishers' right to a fair trial. The George W. Bush Institute is committed to promoting human rights, freedom, and democracy. Denial of fundamental human rights is against our principles and commitments.
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  [À¯·´¿¬ÇÕ ´ëº¯ÀνÇ]The resolutions on the human rights situation in the DPRK that the EU initiates at the General Assembly do not usually refer to specific individuals and incidents. This year, the EU will continue to underline its concern at information about summary executions and other violations of the human rights.
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